A Homeowner’s Guide to Quality Indoor Air

Quality indoor air is a great way of keeping your home safe, relaxing, and free from pollutants and allergens that cause breathing complications. Besides eliminating allergens and pollutants from your home, quality indoor air also makes breathing easier and eliminates odors. Moreover, it also lowers your utility bills and enables you to sleep better.

Quality indoor air is responsible for both your well-being and health which makes it among your greatest concerns as a homeowner. Before discussing some of the vital ways of improving the quality of indoor air in your home, you should understand some signs of poor-quality air. Discussed below are some of the indicators of poor indoor air quality.

What Are Some of The Indicators of Poor Indoor Air Quality?

Multiple aspects indicate compromised indoor air quality in homes today. Anytime someone experiences any sign discussed below, then it is time to focus on improving the quality of air in the house. Let us look at some of them.

Indoor Allergies

People who stay in homes with poor indoor air quality mostly find themselves wheezing, sneezing, and coughing which stops when they step outdoors. The primary cause of the incidents is indoor allergies which disappear the moment the home occupants step outside. Some of the most common signs of indoor allergies include dry eyes, runny nose, congestion, and scratchy throat among others. The allergies are primarily present in homes with a high number of allergens like dust, dirt, and pet dander.

Foul Odors

Some homes have foul smells that constantly linger despite all the attempts to eliminate them. The smells are a major indicator of poor indoor air quality and may result from mold/mildew, chemical products in the home, and dander by dogs and cats.

Mold/Mildew Growth

Poor indoor air quality tampers with humidity levels in homes which often results in the growth of mold and (or) mildew. These elements thrive in poorly ventilated and dimly lit rooms and spaces due to excess buildup of moisture. Besides their unpleasant smells, molds and mildew are also detrimental to the respiratory systems over extended periods.

What Are Some Effective Ways of Improving Indoor Air Quality in Homes?

Ensuring excellent indoor air quality is vital for everyone’s health and comfort in their homes. It keeps breathing complications at bay and ensures ample time for asthmatics and patients with allergies and other breathing problems. Discussed below are some of the popular and effective tricks that people can use to improve indoor air quality in their homes.

Installation of Air Purification Systems

Homeowners that constantly struggle with poor indoor air quality should consider installing an air purification system. It is one of the best techniques for regulating and improving the air quality at home. The device should be perceived as an invisible skimmer that identifies and gets rid of any adverse air pollutants leaving the air in the home clean instantly.

The homeowner can install the units directly within the central heating and cooling system and enjoy the clean comfortable air that is released from the HVAC system. Combining the HVAC and the air purification systems is the ideal way of ensuring comfort and the safety of people who suffer from allergies, asthma, and other respiratory-related issues.

Cleaning with Natural Products

Cleaning is an essential process in every home. How people clean their homes however varies and matter a lot especially when it concerns improving indoor air quality. One of the most significant considerations to make when cleaning homes is the cleaning products used.

The latter are the biggest contributors to poor-quality indoor air which is the cause of most respiratory health problems in our homes. The trick to enhancing indoor air quality in homes lies in eliminating the use of chemical cleaners and investing in ones with minimal or zero additives in their composition (green cleaning products). The latter is another powerful way of ensuring great indoor air quality that every homeowner needs to enjoy comfort and healthy homes.

Investing in UV Germicidal Purifiers

Homeowners struggling with poor indoor quality in their homes should also try out the UV germicidal purifiers besides cleaning with natural cleaners and installing air purification systems. The UV germicidal purifiers eliminate about 99.9% of airborne pollutants (bacteria) which make them a highly effective option. Similar to the air purification systems, the UV germicidal purifiers can also be installed inside the HVAC system to ensure that the air released and circulated around the home is safe and pure besides being cool.

Great indoor air quality is not only a requirement for people suffering from breathing-related complications but also everyone else. It ensures that people enjoy comfort in their homes, pay lower utility bills and sleep better. Anyone struggling with constant poor indoor air quality should consider the above tips and guidelines to improve the air quality in their homes. Consulting an indoor air quality expert is also vital in the most severe cases, and make sure you invest in an air purifier made in the USA.

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