Ice Penis May Increase Sexual Satisfaction

“We’ve been keeping this secret from you for the last two months, and we’ve been itching to tell everyone about it ever since” said Scott Jason Cooper

When you’ve been a viewer for an a while, you’re probably aware that we often publish exposés on natural remedies and therapies that have been proven effective by science but have been suppressed by the mainstream media for a variety of reasons.

The experiences of almost 9 000 guys who have grown between +5.08 and 7.62cm in height, increased sex stamina, and gained confidence will be shared with you today in this article. Because with the sexual beast that their men have transformed into, their girlfriends and wives have dubbed this discovery the “Secret Pornstar Maker.”

Because of these assertions, we decided to perform our own study in order to demonstrate the safety and effectiveness of the 33uct.

Individuals employ many methods to improve their quality of life, but none of them include the chilling of the penis. People all around the globe are benefiting from a new technique that provides for administering a liquid nitrogen blasting to the penis. This approach is improving people’s sexual life already.

According to an article in MensHealth, Ainscow Spa in Manchester offers a highly unusual treatment called ‘Love Mist,’ which involves having your genitals blasted with liquid nitrogen vapor at a temperature of minus 256 degrees Fahrenheit for 30 minutes. However, it turns out that the procedure does not result in the penis becoming a hard ice stick during intercourse, as previously thought. This, according to The Spa, causes the sensors in the body to initiate ‘vasoconstriction to generate heat via faster blood flow and raise the endorphin levels, allowing men to have better orgasms with their partners.

The spa also says that the appearance of your ice penis and skin may improve as a result of the messengers instructing the brain to clean away any dead tissue, resulting in a more youthful appearance. After the brain receives the signal, collagen is distributed throughout the body, resulting in clearer and more youthful genital skin.

Approximately a year ago, our sexual life came to an abrupt halt, and we were well aware that our union would not survive long if things remained in the same manner as they were. As a result, we searched for alternatives.

My penis was 10cm′′ in length, and I was able to ejaculate within three minutes. I went to the sexologist, joined a gym, used over-the-counter medications, I even attempted to use a pump I had seen elsewhere. Nothing could be done to assist.

Finally, a buddy suggested that I try some tablets that he had been using for quite some time. I did some research on the internet and came across some amazing testimonies that were accompanied by some stunning before and after pictures. Men have said that these kind of treatments has helped them preserve their relationship.

Liam James: