A 15 years old social media Influencer named Jake Geruson

A basketball player in the past, and now a social media influencer, Jake Geruson has an Instagram fan following of 30,000. Despite his sports career, he worked hard on his social media accounts and now he is rolling over the world of influencers. When he was in high school, he had plenty of time to sharpen his social media influencing skills. He started to work on his presence on Instagram because he knew that these social media platforms are now the key to become successful and famous. He worked on his Instagram account and made something good out of it.

He is just 15 years old boy with big dreams. He desires to be a social media influencer and he has 600,000 fans following on TikTok already. Jake Geruson success in the modern era of content creation and digital marketing is fortunate because, while many teenagers use social media to connect with family and friends, Jake quickly realized that it was a powerful tool. He knew that sooner or later; his Instagram account is going to be famous and successful in the world of social media influencing.

He realized that the true power of social media is not yet discovered. So, he started to create good and engaging content on his social media accounts. He quickly found good followers on TikTok, and his growth on TikTok has been extraordinary. Because of his good content, he gained fifty-thousand followers on TikTok in just one day. Now, he has over 600,000 followers on TikTok.

Only a few influencers who were working hard, and who knew how this network works have gained such massive followers so quickly. Jake is expected to have one million followers very soon.  As a good influencer, jake knows that everyone is tired of so much negativity around them, so he wants to spread positivity through his content. This is the true meaning of influence. Many people are just trying to spread negativity on their social media accounts just to get some followers. Those people are not the highest standard of social media influencing, people like Jake are. Jake is trying his best to spread good content, and give motivation to all those people who are working hard in their lives. In Jake’s mind, if he can make something good out of his influence and guide a lost soul to the right path, it is enough for him to get motivated. Jake wants to use his community to spread positivity and brighten up the lives of his followers.

How did he achieve so much at such a young age?

No offense, but if you are looking for becoming successful without even thinking of getting out of your comfort zone, and work hard to face your struggles, you are on the wrong line. If you are looking for any kind of shortcuts or any excuses, you are not going to be successful. If I asked you to name a single person who became successful without hard-working, you could not name anyone, because there isn’t any. You should understand, that being successful is not child’s play. If you are a believer in luck, then you should know that more the hard work you do, the more you have the luck on your side. If you are looking forward to becoming successful, you should work harder when you face struggles, not give up when they appear.

In Jake’s opinion, the best element of your success is always in front of you. It is up to you whether you decide to grab that opportunity or just sit idle and not taking any risk because only a risk-taker can be successful. In his Instagram post, Jake shared his opinion about the factors that can lead a person to success.

1.    Know what you are doing:

First, jake explained that you should know what you are doing and what you exactly want. If a person wants to be an engineer, and he has chosen medical as his major, he will not be successful or even satisfied. You should have a clear vision of what you are doing and what you exactly want to do. So, if you looking to become a social media influencer, you should know precisely what you want from your social media accounts, but remember that you cannot be overly rigid. You have to be flexible and you should know that your goals may change during your journey.

2.    Try different things:

Jake explained that you have to be a risk-taker. If you know that you are not made for a specific field, you should just quit and try something new and what interests you. When you are in social media influencing, you should be experimenting with different content. First, you should be sure what your audience likes and dislikes. You have to post something good according to the demands of your audience. Moreover, you should not be just posting the same content that is liked by your audience, you should be able to take risks and post some different content and wait for your audience to react to it. You may find out something new about your audience and it will surely help you in identifying the further interests of your audience. Moreover, Jake also says that a good influencer will always show their true colors. Social media influencers should also ask their audience what they would like you to do.

3.    Continue posting emerging contents:

Jake explained that if your contents are unable to get enough engaging on your accounts, you should not get disappointed. This is how social media influencing works, sometimes you get so many likes, comments, and shares, but sometimes you don’t get enough. Don’t give up when your audience is not engaging with your content and keep on posting interesting content. An account that posts one time a day is much better than an account that does not post something at all.

Olivia Charlotte: